
WhileonaplaneridebacktoTorontofromawritingassignment,MargotmeetsDaniel,ahandsomestranger.AnimmediateattractionisformedandMargotis ...,TakeThisWaltzisa2011romanticcomedy-dramafilmwritten,produced,anddirectedbySarahPolley.ThefilmcentresonMargot,a28-year-oldfreelance ...,MichelleWilliamsplaystwenty-eight-year-oldMargot,happilymarriedtoLou(SethRogen),agood-naturedcookbookauthor.ButwhenMargotmeetsD...

Take This Waltz (2011)

While on a plane ride back to Toronto from a writing assignment, Margot meets Daniel, a handsome stranger. An immediate attraction is formed and Margot is ...

Take This Waltz (film)

Take This Waltz is a 2011 romantic comedy-drama film written, produced, and directed by Sarah Polley. The film centres on Margot, a 28-year-old freelance ...

Take This Waltz

Michelle Williams plays twenty-eight-year-old Margot, happily married to Lou (Seth Rogen), a good-natured cookbook author. But when Margot meets Daniel ...

Take This Waltz

This is not a light Hollywood RomCom. This story explores the chemistry of relationships. Margot is happily married to a good guy, a chef named Lou.

Take This Waltz [DVD]

Take This Waltz [DVD]. 4.2 4.2 顆星,最高5 顆星 923 評論. IMDb6.

《愛我,還是他》Take this Waltz - 安琪拉想想

2012年9月19日 — 獨自出外旅行, 在旅途中遇見了令她心動的藝術家年輕男子,可惜羅敷已有夫。 然而這位藝術家男子就住在她家對面不到50公尺處,日常生活中不停牽引著她的 ...


加拿大女導演莎拉波莉最新作品,蜜雪兒威廉斯和塞斯羅根主演。 瑪格(蜜雪兒威廉斯飾)是一位29 歲的都會女作家,在邁入婚姻生活第六年後和丈夫的親密互動已缺乏火花,又 ...